The inevitability of it all

About the last thing I thought I needed was another blog.

To date, I already have a very successful cycling blog, Triple Crankset. We have been credentialed for the Tour of California the past two years.
And I have blogs for classes I teach in Online Journalism, Sports Writing & Reporting and Political Journalism.
A blog for History of Journalism, which I begin teaching in the fall, is sure to follow.
But back to WAM! — Writing Across Media! This will become the class blog for Comm303, our basic Journalism course in Associated Press Style and learning how to write — you guessed it! — across media platforms.
Textbooks can’t keep up the news and information that becomes available 24/7. I can’t keep printing out stories or saving them online, creating PDFs or simply trusting word of mouth to share (remember: sharing is the new learning!) all the new information that is available.
So, here’s yet another blog for the blogosphere. It may get lost out there, but if our Comm303 students know about it and use it, then we will create our own universe while being part of the greater 24/7 one.

1 comment so far ↓

  • #   Zoli on 03.10.12 at 1:17 am     

    You say profession is neeidfd as the way in which it is more than just a job.” Blogging either independatly or journalistically may be unrelated to one’s job, but maybe that description fits now more than ever. Online media may not always be someone’s job , but can be considered more than that just because it is being used to reshape the entire industry. It will become more than that because journalists will not only have to transform their job but themeselves too. Someone told me that being a journalist these days is kind of being like a backpack journalist, but with the added bonus of being proficient in the digital world too (in fact I’m pretty sure I’ve got a computer in my backpack right now ).So in that sense it may still be journalists who shape this new industry. I think the challenge will be in diferentiating from the community they’ve immersed themselves in. Maybe we can call it Media Backpacking. (eeeeeeerrrrr .or not )

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