In 1959, Roanoke offered two derfefint levels of service to its citizens. White Roanokers got bigger and better schools along with other services not available to Black Roanokers. Over the past 40 years, we have been shamed into providing roughly equal services to all citizens — not just in Roanoke, but throughout the country. Ramsey, the integration of black and whites students has something to do with the pet projects of our manager? Or the incompetence of city mayor and council?! You must be one of the many residents that use the race card to explain everything or use throw it when the school zones are not as you want them. FYI it is 2009 and we have moved past the intergation thing pal. Money Magazine article two decades ago that proclaimed Raleigh the #1 place to live. If Roanoke wants influx, that’s what it needs, not an amphitheater whose down payment was saved at the cost of laying off teachers. Thanks Jeff for setting Ramsey staight!
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In 1959, Roanoke offered two derfefint levels of service to its citizens. White Roanokers got bigger and better schools along with other services not available to Black Roanokers. Over the past 40 years, we have been shamed into providing roughly equal services to all citizens — not just in Roanoke, but throughout the country. Ramsey, the integration of black and whites students has something to do with the pet projects of our manager? Or the incompetence of city mayor and council?! You must be one of the many residents that use the race card to explain everything or use throw it when the school zones are not as you want them. FYI it is 2009 and we have moved past the intergation thing pal. Money Magazine article two decades ago that proclaimed Raleigh the #1 place to live. If Roanoke wants influx, that’s what it needs, not an amphitheater whose down payment was saved at the cost of laying off teachers. Thanks Jeff for setting Ramsey staight!