Super Bowl does the Declaration of Independence

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  •   Mhar on 03.08.12 at 12:42 am     

    Sasha,I see what you mean. Sometimes I can get a little too ecahnictl about things. LOL You really made some great points, though. Anyway, when I was younger, I would have LOVED to adopt your Declaration of Independence. I’m sure it was as much fun to write as it was for me to read.As for writing your own constitution, that’s a tall order. I guess where I would start is by looking for a summary of the American constitution, for example. I would try to understand what each section is about and then decide if I need a section like it in my constitution. Then, I would rewrite it so that it represents how I feel and the principles that are important to me.To be honest with you, Sasha, the idea of writing my own constitution is something I’ve thought about doing. I bet it would be a really great learning experience. But even more, it might help me decide what principles are the most valuable to me. Once written, I would try to live by my own constitution as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. One principle I live by today is The Golden Rule: treat others how you want to be treated. So I might try to put that in my constitution.If you ever write your own constitution, I would love to read it. Anyway, thanks for sharing your personal declaration of independence. Cheers,ScottPS Let me know if you would like any more help with your constitution.

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