Ira Glass on storytelling

Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.

1 comment so far ↓

  •   Nely on 08.28.12 at 9:31 am     

    This (Yahoo Answer) is a good site too. You get quality trffiac. I have a few dozen sites, in different niches, so when I have free time, I answer different queries here but I usually use my other yahoo account for this. What I do is find my target audience. I use the Search Y! Answers button and answer queries, invite them to the source of information and get them subscribed. Although Yahoo source box where one can post a link to their site as reference is a no-follow tag, meaning it blocks search engines from following links, no use for SEO, but Yahoo Answers still brings trffiac. Not huge but it helps.

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