Hanging out on Google+ with the Muppets

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  •   Whitney on 03.07.12 at 11:24 am     

    Anonymous Investor,Your justification for esoregatign statistics are you justifying your 40 slum lord properties? You think our neighborhoods aren’t segregated? Who do you rent to? You own your properties in the more prominent neighborhoods, right? Yeah, right!Your beef is because of the economic slump. You blame Roanoke government for it. Nice!!!Because of all of the wishy-washy finger pointing and arguing is the blame for not having ANY ampitheater, etc.If our city sucks so bad, why don’t you people move? Why did we get voted the top 10 cities to live (proportionate to our size)? Top 10 places to raise a family? Did we forget these honors over the past couple of years?Too much bipartisan politics ruins everything.

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